Environmental Science Technology


Pathway Description: The Environmental Science Technology curriculum is designed to prepare individuals for employment in environmental testing, consulting, remediation, and related industries. Major emphasis is placed on biological and chemical evaluation of societal impact and sustainable management of the environment. Coursework includes optional emphasis in invasive species treatment, and management of the environment. Coursework includes computer applications, biology, chemistry, industrial safety, water quality, environmental health, and waste management. Coursework specific for Invasive Species includes assessment, management, identification, and control of both invasive plants and animals and GIS/GPS. Coursework specific for Environmental Management includes land resource management, field sampling and analysis, environmental health pathogens, and rural watershed protection. Graduates are prepared for employment opportunities with numerous positions within the industry. Employment opportunities include, but not limited to, the following: Chemical and Biological Analysis, Water and Wastewater Treatment, EPA Compliance, Hazardous Material Handling, Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation, Federal, State, and Local land management agencies, Private conservation organizations, Environmental Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement. Environmental Science Technology: A program that focuses on environment-related issues using scientific, social scientific, or humanistic approaches or a combination. Potential course work includes instruction in the basic principles of ecology and environmental science and related subjects such as policy, politics, law, economics, social aspects, planning, pollution control, natural resources, and the interactions of human beings and nature.

200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100