Computer-Aided Drafting Technology


Pathway Description: These curriculums are designed to prepare students through the study and application of principles from mathematics, natural sciences, and technology and applied processes based on these subjects. Course work includes mathematics, natural sciences, engineering sciences and technology. Graduates should qualify to obtain occupations such as technical service providers, engineering technicians, CAD systems managers, industrial and technology managers, research technicians and graphic technicians. Computer-Aided Drafting Technology: A course of study that prepares the students to apply technical skills and advanced computer software and hardware to develop plans and related documentation, and manage the hardware and software of a CAD system. Includes instruction in architectural drafting, computer-assisted drafting and design (CADD), creating and managing two and three-dimensional models, linking CAD documents to other software applications, and operating systems. Graduates should qualify for CAD jobs in architectural and engineering consulting firms and industrial design businesses.

Campus Locations That Offer This Program

200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100