Surry Community College was founded in 1964 and serves Surry and Yadkin counties through five locations. The college’s campus is located in Dobson, North Carolina, with four off-campus learning centers – The Yadkin Center, Yadkinville; The Center for Public Safety, Mount Airy; The Pilot Center, Pilot Mountain; and The Elkin Center, Elkin. Surry offers degrees, diplomas or certificate programs in Advanced Manufacturing; Agricultural Science; Arts and Design; Business and Computer Technologies; College Transfer; Construction Technologies; Emergency Medical; Fire and Rescue; Health Sciences; Law Enforcement; Public Service; and Transportation System Technologies areas along with hundreds of workforce training courses in a variety of fields. The college, under the direction of President Dr. David R. Shockley, has a mission to promote personal growth and community development to a diverse population through excellence in teaching, learning, and service.
Dr. David R. Shockley