Since opening in 1961, Pitt Community College has emerged as one of North Carolina’s largest community colleges and a key source of workforce development for eastern North Carolina business and industry. Each year, the college educates and empowers more than 17,000 credit and non-credit students on its Winterville campus, satellite facilities throughout Pitt County, and distance learning. PCC is a leader in health sciences instruction and has become well-known for its outstanding business, construction, public safety and university transfer programs. The college offers more than 280 credentials through a combination of more than 70 curricula, adult basic education and literacy, English language acquisition, and personal enrichment classes. A recent Economic Modeling Specialists report showed PCC significantly benefits Pitt County’s business community and generates a positive return on investment for students, taxpayers and society. The study revealed Pitt and its students/alumni made a $228.1 million-impact on the community during FY 2019-20.
Dr. Maria Pharr