Craven Community College is located in the heart of Eastern North Carolina, serving the community in Craven County with campuses in New Bern, Havelock and aboard MCAS Cherry Point. Craven CC annually serves over 4,000 curriculum students, and more than 11,000 workforce development students. Craven CC offers a variety of fully accredited healthcare, industrial and engineering, and liberal arts associate degrees. The college’s partnership with NC State University allows students to earn a BA in Mechanical Engineering Systems entirely from the Havelock Campus. The college also has a tremendous partnership with Fleet Readiness Center East, which is located aboard MCAS Cherry Point and serves as the largest employer east of Interstate 95. The Volt Center, Craven’s workforce development campus, develops high-quality job candidates for corporate partners such as Bosch, CarolinaEast Health Systems, Chatsworth Products, Moen, and more. These partnerships offer certificate programs, with guaranteed interviews and job placement.
Dr. Raymond Staats