Minority Male Success Initiative

We are here to provide minority male students with resources and support to make progress toward–and reach–their educational goals.


The Minority Male Success Initiative (MMSI) offers students three options to support their success:

  • Programs, including mentors and student-focused conferences and workshops that give students the information and tools they need to reach their desired educational outcomes
  • Coaching to provide students with individualized guidance, tailored to their situation and goals
  • Early Alert, available through 11 NCCCS campuses (Alamance, Carteret, James Sprunt, Lenoir, Montgomery, Nash, Piedmont, Roanoke-Chowan, Robeson, Sampson, and Western Piedmont), to identify students who could benefit from coaching—and connect them with a coach who can guide them to improved academic achievement.

As part of our work, MMSI identifies and shares best practices, so that higher education institutions across the United States can implement programs that benefit all minority students.

Learn More About MMSI
200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100