Connect with your local NC Community College to get access to all the career services they offer. Plus, access career planning services and initiatives from our statewide partners in the resources below.
NC Counseling Association
Job postings, resume reviews and more from NC’s professional counseling organization.
National Career Development Association
Resources, training programs, and credentialing for job seekers and educators.
NC Works Training Center
Attend live and online trainings covering a wide variety of professional skills and interests.
CFNC Plan for a Career
The College Foundation of North Carolina offers you ways to explore interests and plan your next steps toward a reward career.
Career One Stop
Another way to explore careers, find training, and more offered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor.
Career Exploration Guide from NCcareers.org
Profile your career interests, explore career clusters, know your options, then find out ways you can experience these jobs in real life! The NC Career Clusters guide from NCcareers.org can help you on your way.

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