Paying for college can be challenging, whether you’re paying for it by yourself or you have someone to share the expense. There are several types of federal, state and local aid available to you if you complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Have a question about your financial aid benefits?
Financial aid is available through federal programs, state-funded scholarships, and local resources available at your institution. All 58 colleges within the NC Community College System have a financial aid office with staff and resources available to help you navigate the financial aid process.
Federal Grants
When you receive a federal grant, like the Pell Grant, you do not have to pay it back. It’s a federal investment into your education (and may add up to $6,895 each year!). Pell Grants depend on your financial need, the cost to attend school, your status as a part-time or full-time student, and other factors.
Work-Study Program
Once you complete your FAFSA, you may be eligible for a work-study job at your community college. This program allows students to work part-time jobs to help pay for their education expenses. Your college will have more details about the types of jobs available for work-study.
Federal Tax Credits
As a student, you may become eligible for tax benefits for education, as enacted by federal legislation. Credits can include student loan interest deductions, education savings bond programs, and business deductions for work-related education.