NC Community Colleges Foundation Recognizes Impact of Hurricane Helene Response and Recovery Fund

Five months after Hurricane Helene devastated western North Carolina, the NC Community Colleges Foundation reflects on the progress made through its Hurricane Helene Community College Response and Recovery Fund. With the unwavering support of individual and corporate donors, the Foundation has distributed $560,000 across four rounds of funding to affected community colleges, helping them rebuild and provide critical resources to students and staff. 

The generosity of 256 donors played a pivotal role in supporting student well-being, operational needs, lost wage assistance, campus repairs, and small business stabilization. 

“The outpouring of support from our donors has been nothing short of remarkable. Their generosity has allowed our colleges to provide critical aid to students, faculty, and staff who are still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Helene,” said Dr. Jeff Cox, President of NC Community College System. “This fund has been a true lifeline, ensuring that our colleges can continue serving their communities during this difficult time.” 

Donor Impact by the Numbers: 

  • 14 community colleges affected
  • 74,000 students impacted 
  • 256 generous donors 
  • $560,000 in funding distributed 

Major Contributors: 

Blue Cross NC, John M. Belk Endowment, Wells Fargo 

AT&T North Carolina, Lenoir Community College Foundation, Looney Family Charitable Fund, The Callon Family Fund 

Fletcher Technical Community College, John Kane, NC Association of Community College Instructional Administrators, NC Association of Community College Presidents, NCCCS Student Development Administrators Association, Sarah West, Wake Technical Community College Foundation 

BibliU Inc, Bossier Parish Community College Foundation, David Price, Denise Young, Ferrilli, Don and Penny Pray, Lisa Estep, NC Community College Association for Deans Chairs of Health Sciences, Norris and Tracy Cotton, North Carolina Association of Social and Human Services, PRIMA NC, Susan and William Hawley, The Middlesworth Endowment, The Nath Foundation 

Anonymous; Andrea Crowley; Beth and Ed Anderson; Catherine Natale; Chancy Kapp; Chelsea McNeely; College Transfer Program Association (CTPA); Daniel Biediger; David West; Donald Beck; Edwin S. Powell; Geoffrey Lang; Grant Campbell; Henry Daniels; Holly Myers; Jeff Cox; Jenny Varner; Karen Stout; Katie Loovis; Lara Swenson; Lesley Kees; Linda Merians; Marcia Daniel; Midge Miller; Natela Yevloyeva; Patricia Watson; Patrick Woodie; Rob Krause; Robert Winter; Sandra Thompson; Sheila Regan; Shirley Carraway; The Peter Hans Charitable Fund; The Vagabond Saints’ Society; Theodore Thomas; Thomas Barnard; Thomas Brock; Tommy Fulcher; Walter and Dennie Newton 

Nearly 200 additional donors gave $5-$249 to the Fund.
Additional information here

The NC Community Colleges Foundation continues to raise funds to support long-term recovery efforts, ensuring that students and campuses have the resources they need to move forward.  

About the North Carolina Community Colleges Foundation: 
The North Carolina Community Colleges Foundation (the Foundation) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 1986 to support the mission of the NC Community College System. The Foundation is governed by a diverse board of directors who steward the endowment, raise awareness and funds to develop and advance the System, manage several scholarship and award programs that honor excellence, and support public-private partnership programs that foster innovation. Going forward, the Foundation is leading a comprehensive campaign to drive more student, college, employer, and system success, and deliver more community, economic, and workforce development value for the state. 

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