Modification of the LEIS Form During the COVID-19 Crisis
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, providers will have the option to black out any information on the LEIS form that would compromise their local institutions personal identifiable information (PII) policy and procedures. Any other changes to the LEIS form will not be allowed and will follow normal System office LEIS policy.
The information detailed in this memo is a temporary modification developed to be used only during the COVID-19 crisis. Please keep in mind, programs have the autonomy to make local decisions regarding the collection of PII. Please always check your local policy and procedures on PII.
This modification is only approved during the COVID-19 crisis and may not be used once providers are able to return to meeting with students face-to-face. Please note, providers must collect this information, as it is important for data matching by the end of the program year which is June 30, 2020.
Thank you for your cooperation during this unprecedented time.