Mary Green
I quickly discovered that Roanoke-Chowan Community College was like another family. The one aspect I enjoy the most about being a student at R-CCC is the closeness that is encouraged between individuals on all levels. I also appreciate that the faculty and staff will listen to my ideas. It is great to know that my voice can be heard and that the students help shape a huge part of what Roanoke-Chowan Community College will be for future students.
My success has been in part due to the support of the faculty at R-CCC. No matter how many times I go to my instructors and the support staff for help with a problem there has always been someone to assist me. They have encouraged me to get involved in different programs, such as SGA. Even with extra activities and joining organizations, I have been able to meet my personal standard of maintaining the highest grade point average. I have strived to uphold that high standard while giving back to the college.
As graduation approaches, I plan to attend East Carolina University in fall 2017 to continue my studies in Computer Technology and eventually become an IT Specialist. I may also open a Center where individuals may come to learn different basic functions about computers that will help them in their endeavors through life. Beyond those aspirations, my goal is will be to help educate the community and contribute to making our society more technologically literate.