Alternative Assessment Option – EdReady Diagnostic Assessment Option

The purpose of this memo is to provide further guidance on the use of the alternative assessment option for placement of new students into College and Career Readiness courses BSP 4003, 4002.

In Assessment Policy Addendum, Memo April 27, 2020, programs have the option to use multiple options to assess new distance learning students. The alternative assessment tools provide the flexibility programs need for new student enrollment. These options allow programs to select an option that meets program and student needs.

The EdReady Alternative Assessment is approved immediately until June 30, 2020. This online tool provides appropriate instructional level of instruction and can provide an NRS placement level. This tool does not require proctoring. However, all programs are advised to follow their institution’s policy for assessment.

This tool does not allow for pre/post test to determine Multiple Skill Gains.

We hope this additional option accommodates programs’ testing capacity and helps programs continue serving all students equitably.

Many thanks to Laurie Weston, Eastern Regional Area Career READY Representative and Susan Huneycutt, Western Regional Area Career READY Representative for developing this tool.

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