Library Resources
Access the catalog, make purchasing requests, use learning resources technology and more.
Hayden-McNeil Lab Simulations
Biology and chemistry lab simulations; accompanying lab manual; free instructor accounts with the ability to customize and create labs; store content and reuse resources; technical and help desk support for faculty and students; auto-grading for test and gradebook; analytics platform to assess student performance.
openNCCC is a library of open educational resources that promotes exploration, creation, and collaboration with the goal of enriching teaching and learning in North Carolina and around the world. Its purpose is to offer a comprehensive infrastructure that provides high-quality OER content and the opportunity for collaboration around the adaptation, evaluation, and instructional needs of faculty and learners. This platform is integrated into each college's learning management system.
Quality Matters
Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online courses and online components. The System Office subscription provides NCCCS colleges with training opportunities and discounted memberships.
STAT!Ref / BoardVitals
STAT!Ref® is a resource provides an unlimited use license for all colleges. The database contains electronic medical textbooks; journals, and current articles on allied health, nursing, dental, and emergency services. Access is by IP authentication on campus and remote login off campus. Access is also available through a free mobile app for electronic devices. This license also includes BoardVitals exam banks, Pharmacology World, and Primal Videos.
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center/NCCS Webinar Series
Collaboration with telemedicine department of UNC-LCCC to produce webinars for NCCCS nursing courses shared with the state-wide community. Webinars include closed captioning and scripts.
Virtual Computing Environment (VCE)
This collaborative project of the North Carolina Community College System and NC State University allows individual community colleges to provide computer lab services through cloud computing and to achieve cost efficiency for software and hardware. The VCE business model provides community colleges a cost-effective alternative to expensive, traditional computer labs. Selection is determined through an annual application process.