Library Services
Access the catalog and more using our library services.

The NC Community College System provides centralized purchasing and cataloging services for all System libraries. In addition, you can access other library resources and tools including openNCCC, WorldCat and more.
Open educational resources for NC Community College System faculty and library staff. Indispensable resource for all library staff.
Search libraries across the globe, along with open content and genealogy resources.
Community College Libraries in North Carolina (CCLINC) Catalog
CCLINC is a consortium of community college libraries in North Carolina that has a shared catalog with more than a million learning resources.
CCLINC Policies and Procedures
CCLINC Resources
CCLINC Minutes Archive
Learning Technology Resources
See what learning technology resources are currently being used across the NCCCS.
Library Training
Access library training documents and learn more about training resources available to you.