The Workforce & Continuing Education Programs team works closely with college faculty and staff on quality assurance and accountability issues to:

  • Consult and advise NCCCS and local college staff on relevant policies and procedures found in General Statutes, SBCC Code, and other applicable laws and regulations related to assigned program areas;
  • Analyze enrollment, FTE, course offerings, and demographic trends of assigned program areas and provide local and NCCCS staff information;
  • Provide assistance and professional development training opportunities to local college staff.


The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) dashboards allow users to explore and interact with NCCCS data by theme. The dashboards are designed to help colleges access the data and information needed to facilitate institutional effectiveness and program improvement. Dashboards include system and college-level data views, disaggregation, historical trends, and peer comparisons.


To get more information on the 2022 Career Credit Leadership Institute and 2021 NCCCAEA Fall Conference, Click the link below.

State and Federal Reports

The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Office facilitates and supports college and system fulfillment of state, regional, and national reporting requirements. Associated reporting efforts help colleges identify institutional strengths and weaknesses by providing access to historical trends and peer comparisons.

200 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

(919) 807-7100