Help Us Put Learning to Work in North Carolina
The NC Community College System provides high-quality career and technical education (CTE) programs that bridge the gap between education, workforce development, and economic growth.

Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century
This federal education program empowers us to invest in programs prioritizing real-world skills and practical knowledge. By doing so, we're building a more skilled and capable workforce, all while expanding opportunities for students from special populations. Together, we're creating a brighter future for everyone in North Carolina.
Perkins Grant Guidance
Access the latest NC Perkins Handbook for the current academic year.
Presentations and Webinars
Catch up on the latest Perkins resources from the Career and Technical Education team.

Funding Assistance
Community colleges must conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment and focus on preparing students for in-demand industry sectors or occupations to benefit from Perkins funding. We recommend designating a Perkins team at your institution to assist in grant fund oversight, planning and implementation.

Special Populations
Perkins levels the playing field for nine special populations within our state and nation. Those special populations include: individuals with disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families; individuals preparing for nontraditional fields; single parents; out-of-workforce individuals; English language learners; individuals experiencing homelessness; youth within the foster care system; and youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces or is on active duty within the military.

Avg number of CTE Participants annually83.2%
Avg success rate of post-program placementCollaborative External Resources

NC Career Exploration Guide
This resource helps faculty and staff guide students through career clusters, pathways and possible future occupations.

NC Careers Website
This website offers real-time information about salaries, average job growth and future opportunities for careers of all kinds to help you help students define a clear path forward.

Center for Occupational Research & Development
Are you a new adjunct faculty member? Learn how to manage a classroom and find more professional development resources to support your work at the System.
Division of Programs and Services, Office of Postsecondary Career and Technical Education North Carolina Community College System
Public Comments on the Proposed Update to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) State Determined Levels of Performance (SDPLS) for the Three Postsecondary Perkins V Performance Indicators
The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) is seeking public comment on its proposal to update the Career and Technical Education (CTE) State Determined Levels of Performance (SDPLs) for the three Postsecondary Perkins V Performance Indicators. The new SDPLs will cover the 2024-2027 school years and will comply with The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Section 113 (b)(3)(B)(ii) and North Carolina General Statutes (115C Article 10).
The proposed new SDLPs are displayed in the tables below:
The original CTE State Determined Levels of Performance identified in the North Carolina State Plan were based on the average of the previous two years (2017-2018 and 2018-2019) of performance prior to the full implementation of Perkins V. Data collection under Perkins V began during the 2019-2020 school year. A new State Plan must be established for the second four-year cycle beginning with the 2024-2025 school year and must include updated SDLPs or benchmarks for performance goals. Each initial benchmark is based on the average of the actual performance from the two prior years plus 0.01. This represents a benchmark that is higher than the average of the two most recent data points. Subsequent benchmarks are calculated by adding a benchmark gap to each initial benchmark. The process is repeated for the remaining three years to yield benchmarks for each year. The benchmark gap is calculated by subtracting the initial benchmark from 100, multiplying by 0.10, and dividing by four. This demonstrates the amount of increase needed each year to close the gap to 100 by 10% over a 4-year period.
Performance Indicator Descriptions
1P1: Postsecondary Retention and Placement Rate
113(b)(2)(B)(i) “The percentage of CTE concentrators who, during the second quarter after program completion, remain enrolled in postsecondary education, are in advanced training, military service, or a service programs that receives assistance under title I of the national and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.12511et seq.) are volunteers as described in section 5 (a) of the Peace Corps Act (22 U.S.C. 2504 (a)) , or are placed or retained in employment.”
2P1: Credential, Certificate, Diploma
Section 113 (b)(2)(B)(ii) “The percentage of CTE concentrators who received a recognized postsecondary credential during participation in or within 1 year of program completion.”
3P1: Non-Traditional Program Enrollment
Section 113 (b)(2)(B)(iii) “The percentage of CTE concentrators in career and technical education programs of study that lead to nontraditional fields.”
Please direct all comments to Dr. Bob Witchger, by March 31, 2024.