State Board Policy and Governance
State Board Policy and Governance Committee CharterThe purpose of the Policy and Governance Committee is to recommend policies for the State Board to adopt on behalf of the Community College System that comply with N.C. General Statutes, to regulate certain issues related to community colleges, and to recommend improvements in the governance and operations of the State Board.
Chair: The Honorable Chaz Beasley
Vice-Chair: The Honorable Sam Searcy
State Board Members
- Ms. Lisa Estep
- Mr. John Kane
- Mr. Tom Looney
- Mr. Bill McBrayer
- Mr. Mark Merritt
- Mr. Hari Nath
- The Honorable David Price
- Ms. Sarah West
- Mr. Robbie Moore
- Labor Commissioner Luke Farley
Non-Voting Non-State Board Members
- Mr. J.B. Buxton, President, Durham Technical Community College and NCACCP Secretary
- Mr. Julian Philpott, Board Chair, Central Carolina Community College and NCACCT Executive Board