Performance Measures and the New BLET Program
This memo provides information regarding the NCCCS Performance Measures for Student Success report and the new Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) program.
As you know, a new BLET course is being piloted by selected colleges in partnership with the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and the North Carolina Department of Justice, with full, state-wide implementation anticipated for all college delivery sites in 2025.
Since the new BLET program is in the pilot phase, it has been decided that first-time test-taker results for all BLET students taking the state certification exam in calendar year 2024 will be excluded from the “Licensure and Certification Passing Rate (PM6)” section of the associated Performance Measures report.
Please note this includes all BLET programs (pilot and non-pilot), as no BLET state-exam test results for students testing in 2024 will be included in the associated future report.
If you have questions about performance measures reporting, please contact Dr. Bill Schneider, Vice President of System Effectiveness, at
Thank you for your ongoing support of the state’s BLET program. Your efforts make a difference in your community and across the state.
C: Dr. Brian Merritt, Dr. Bill Schneider, Dr. Lisa Eads Dr. Andrew Gardner, BLET School Directors