2022 HRD Tuition and Fee Waiver Guidelines

From: Nate Humphrey, Associate Vice President, Workforce and Continuing Education Programs
To: HRD Directors/Coordinators,Senior Continuing Education Administrators




TO: Senior Continuing Education Administrators
HRD Directors/Coordinators


FROM: Nate Humphrey
Associate Vice President, Workforce and Continuing Education Programs


SUBJECT: 2022 HRD Tuition and Fee Waiver Guidelines


DATE: March 25, 2022


Per N.C. General Statutes (G.S. 115D-5(b)(13)), individuals enrolling in courses offered through the Human
Resources Development (HRD) Program may be granted a waiver of registration fees if they meet one of
four criteria:


1) Are unemployed;
2) Have received notification of pending layoff;
3) Are working and are eligible for the federal earned income tax credit;
4) Are working and earning wages at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty


Federal Earned Income Tax Credit


Federal Poverty Guidelines





Use these guidelines for determining an individual’s eligibility for the HRD Tuition and Fee Waiver.
Additionally, the policy states that students for whom registration fees are waived must sign a statement
on an official college document verifying that they meet one of the criteria.


Please note that students must sign a waiver for each course they are enrolled in and seek waiver


If you have any questions, please contact me at humphreyn@nccommunitycolleges.edu or call



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