2021-22 Career READY Implementation Manual
TO: College and Career Readiness Directors, Vice Presidents of Instruction, Chief
Academic Officers, Continuing Education Deans
FROM: Gilda Rubio-Festa
Associate Vice President, College and Career Readiness
SUBJECT: 2021-22 Career READY Implementation Manual
DATE: January 31, 2022
The College and Career Readiness Section, Career READY initiative prepares adult learners to
complete their Adult High School (AHS), or High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma and,
concurrently, complete the mastery-based learning activities required to enroll into a
certificate, diploma, degree, or Continuing Education program at a postsecondary level. Adult
learners that complete the BSP Transition Courses will have the knowledge and academic skills
required to enroll in gateway courses.
The purpose of this numbered memo is to inform Title II funded programs about the release of
the updated Career READY Implementation Manual. The updated Career READY
Implementation Manual will be available via the College and Career Readiness webpage.
Information contained in the 2021-22 Career READY Implementation Manual supersedes
previously published manuals, which include the Career READY Implementation Manual from
program year 2020-21. All transition guidance will be provided based upon the information
contained in the updated Career READY Implementation Manual.
If you have questions or require assistance, please submit your inquiries to Arbony CooperGibbs
at coopera@nccommunitycolleges.edu.
Dr. Kimberly Gold, Chief of Staff
Arbony Cooper-Gibbs, Adult Education Coordinator – Compliance and IELCE Programs